Figure-ground map of Pointe-Saint-Charles (2017)

Figure-ground map of Pointe-Saint-Charles (2017)

Katsanis, Alexander and Poldma, Tiiu. (2024, Forthcoming) Book Title TBD. “Redesigning the Museum: Lessons and Principles for More Accessible Gallery Spaces”. McGill University/Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

Agneessens, Pieter, Belzil, Sophie, Katsanis, Alexander, Wexler, Michael Seth. (2023) “Promouvoir les pôles de mobilité pour faciliter l’intermodalité. Routes et Transports. AQTr.  

Katsanis, Alexander and Poldma, Tiiu. (2020) “Assessing the Uses of Para-Public Mall Spaces by People with Disabilities”. Journal of Design Research. DOI: 10.1504/JDR.2021.10040927.

Pouliot, Robert C. and Katsanis, Constantine John and Katsanis, Alexander. 2018. “Horizon 2020 Transcended: The Redesign of the AEC Organization”. In EPOC 2018 – (Re)Organizing in an Uncertain Climate (Brijuni, Croatia, June 25-27, 2018), pp. 645-703. Engineering Project Organization Conference.

Katsanis Alexander. (2016). “Everyday Fragments: Reflections on Subjectivity and Suffering.” The Modern Minima Moralia Project. Heathwood Press.

For more information (or a copy of any of the above), potential collaborations or anything else, contact me.